Post-it Style Note Web Application

2020-03-01 00:00:00 +0000

  • Draggable, resizable note app working with the database
  • Vanilla JavaScript for the frontend, Node.js, MongoDB for the backend
  • Authentication using JSON Web Token
  • Github Link
  • Demo(Heroku) Link * works on chrome browser

Maze Creator(Demo Incl.)

2020-02-29 00:00:00 +0000

• Simple webpage that generates 10X10 grid mazes randomly
• Vanilla JavaScript and HTML canvas
• Max-Heap structure and the variant of Depth First Search algorithm

Your browser does not support the canvas element.


  • The grid is the rectangle with vertices in it.
  • The algorithm navigates the grid by stepping from one vertex to the nearest vertex, which is one step next to the vertex
  • When the algorithm steps through, it assigns “key” value to the four nearest vertices(north, south, east, west) based upon the key value of the vertex it is stepping on, and it puts the four vertices into Heap data structure
  • By using the key values, max-heap extracts the vertex with maximum key value, which is the next vertex to be stepped on.
  • The value can be updated as the navigation propargates
  • But the values are not updated for the vertices that were already visited
  • The visited vertices are added into another array structure to keep track of the path that the algorithm steps through


  • 2X4 Grid
  • Navigation starts at (0,1)
  • Key values are shown in Red

Linux System Monitor

2020-02-28 00:00:00 +0000

  • Linux System Monitor like “htop”, which shows PIDs, CPU usages and RAM usages
  • Written in C++
  • Udacity’s starter code is used
  • Github

Spam/Ham Classification Using LSTM in PyTorch

2020-02-27 00:00:00 +0000

  • Based on Enron data set, it classifies an email as Spam or Ham
  • Walkthrough about from where to get data to how to build Deep learning model
  • Published as Medium article as the guest author of Analytics Vidhya
  • Github Link

Kingston Temperature Forecast Web App

2020-02-26 00:00:00 +0000

  • Based upon the past 480 hours of data, the application predicts the temperature of 24 hours later
  • LSTM model and Pytorch Framework for deep learning, Python Flask for backend
  • Canada government’s historical weather data was used for training the model and predicting the temperature of Kingston
  • Github Link

Stateful Chatbot API

2020-02-25 00:00:00 +0000

  • The chatbot gives answers in the context of the goal-oriented conversation
  • Written in Python – Flask and MongoDB for backend
  • Spacy framework for natural language understanding
  • Github Link

Deep Learning Studies

2020-02-24 00:00:00 +0000


Github Link to find more information/resources below

These are my own practices and study materials from

  • Udacity’s Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch from Facebook
  • Udacity’s Secure and Private AI Scholarship Challenge
  • Udacity’s Computer Vision Nanodegree
  • Stanford’s cs231n
  • and so on

Algorithm Studies

2020-02-05 00:00:00 +0000


Github Link to find more information below

These are my own studies and study materials

  • Standford’s Algorithms Specialization Assignments Code in Python
    Karatsuba Multiplication, Count Inversion in array in O(nlog(n)) Time and so on
  • Five Sorting Algorithms in Java
    Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort
  • Dijkstra’s Shortest Path in Javascript
    Heap(min) structure is used
    Given verteics, edges and the starting point, it will produce the shortest path between the start and the end
  • Maze Creation Algorithm in Javascript
    A Variant of Depth First Search Algorithm
    Max Heap Data Structure to keep path data
  • Heap(min) Data Structure in Javascript
    Methods: Heapify, Insert, FindMin, ExtractMin, Delete, BubbleUp, BubbleDown


Kingston, Ontario